Monday, May 2, 2011


So as many of you know yesterday was a day that seemingly the whole world changed. After a ten year manhunt American special forces (who may or may not have had Pakistani troops backing them up) finally caught and killed Osama Bin Laden. I remember sitting and watching my Facebook feed when a post from one of my friends said that we finally caught him. Now being the conspiracy theorist that I can sometimes be I was skeptical but as more and more news sources started to report the story, I just watched the tv in shocked as such as momentous occasion. The thing that caught me off guard was the reaction around the globe (not an exaggeration, because I have friends stationed in Italy and Korea). For the most part people seemed joyful because the first time since this war there was a slight hope for optimism that had evaporated more and more in the years since 9/11. However I noticed that a smaller group of people that I know asked a rather poignant question about how much we should really be celebrating the death of a man that was killed. Another thing that I guess you can say was alarming was how the operation took place and who was actually helping. When the news first broke it looked like we went in Pakistan with the help of their officials but as CNN and other news agencies started reporting later it seems like we pretty much got the intelligence and went and got the guy (sorry I find it pretty odd that this guy was holed up in a very affluent neighborhood in a house 8 times bigger than anything else around it, just miles from the capital of the country and with a military base just miles down the road. Seriously were they just ignoring the fact that the guy was there, cause it is starting to seem like that. So the part where we are now is what has changed? What is different about our world now? What does everyone think about what happened???


  1. I'm one of the few that didn't celebrate. I have a blog written up about my views on it, but I'm honestly terrified to post it because of back lash. So I may just keep it under wraps.

    I believe that he did deserve justice, but I don't believe that we went about it the right way (but then, what is the right way?). The capture/murder or Osama has really not affected me in any way, other than an argument or two about my view points in the matter.

  2. The world has not changed. Terrorism still exists. Bin Laden was definitely NOT the first terrorist leader, and he is definitely NOT the last.

    I'm with you on the conspiracy part. I don't really trust that he is dead (especially since they buried him at sea instead of in a grave; no proof). Only time will tell, though. I'll say this loud and clear though - I have very little trust of our government, and every day I have less and less.

    I'm torn about whether to celebrate his death or not. I said this on Quis' post, and I'll say it here as well. The Bible says "when the wicked perish, there is shouting" and rejoicing. (Prov. 11:10). So I recognize that there is a time for rejoicing when evil is eradicated from the earth. However, my heart is heavy for his family and for his own soul. My heart is always heavy when someone dies without knowing our Savior. So I'm choosing to be indifferent about this and choosing to be watchful of the situation to see what happens next. That is all.
