Wednesday, May 4, 2011

What do you believe in? Fate? Destiny? Are certain folks meant to be in your life?

So here is what I want to know…
Do you believe in fate? Why/Why not?
Is destiny a real thing? Why/Why not?
Are certain people meant to be in your life no matter what?
I need answers. Let’s see what you guys got!!!

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

A conversation with an angel...(Daddy and his Kayleighbear) many of you know I recently lost my babygirl and have been in a weird emotional state ever since she passed away. I have dealt with the situation the best way I know how but I think this has been more of me just deciding not to deal with the situation. I miss my daughter more than words or feelings could ever adequately describe. All I have ever wanted to do was bring a little boy and a little girl into this world. Gabriel was everything a dad could want, but I still wanted a little girl and I eventually got fast forward through tragedy and the only thing that makes me depressed is seeing dads that have the opportunity to dote over their daughters and the constant thought about the little princess that she would have grown into...

So a couple of days ago it was the anniversary of a young lady that passed away that I went to school with. She just so happened to be best friends with a young lady named Beth that I really have grown to love since I initally met her. Beth referred to a dream that she had in which she literally had a conversation with her friend that lasted literally for hours. There were some that probably didn't understand or maybe even doubted how such a thing could possibly take place but it actually made sense to me and I sat there thinking..."Man I wish I could have that sort of experience with my little girl." If I only knew what was in store for me later on that evening...

Describing this as best as I can:
We were in a well lit room and she was just talking to me. She was talking to me and telling me about things that had gone on with her. I can't tell you everything that she said but when I tell you it was comforting and magical. She was so pretty that I can't even do her justice. For the very FIRST time since her passing I actually had a measure of peace. She was so angelic and just reassured me that she was fine and ok. All I have ever wanted to know since she passed was that she was ok, how she would have looked older, and that she was fine and ok. When I tell you the dream was so vivid and real that I was able to wake up and then fall asleep back into was like that. I know it might not seem like a big deal for other people that may read this, but the experience put some much needed peace in my soul and while I may not be ever 100 percent ok, for once in a year...I started to feel better...

Monday, May 2, 2011

That love thing part. 1

That love thing part. 1

(Full disclosure; I am what would best be described as an emotionally fragmented individual. My mom was raped and she decided to keep the baby and that is how I got here. I have NEVER seen an adult in a healthy “loving” relationship so I just want to lay all of that out there before I begin…)
What is it about love? What is it about being in love that make people so crazy and just borderline irrational? I feel like even as old as I am (26) I don’t have a healthy handle on what it is to actually love someone. Isn’t this something that you learn with time or something? You see so many people posting about “loving this” or “loving that” and you just sit and wonder sometimes about what it is exactly that they are feeling.
There are so many questions that I have about the subject such as:
1. How do you KNOW when you are in love with something?
2. How is the love different for people that you are just friends with?
3. Can you love more than one person at the same time?
4. Can love be instant? Or does it take a great deal of time?
5. Can it be harmful?
These are just my initial thoughts…I am sure more will come to mind later…


So as many of you know yesterday was a day that seemingly the whole world changed. After a ten year manhunt American special forces (who may or may not have had Pakistani troops backing them up) finally caught and killed Osama Bin Laden. I remember sitting and watching my Facebook feed when a post from one of my friends said that we finally caught him. Now being the conspiracy theorist that I can sometimes be I was skeptical but as more and more news sources started to report the story, I just watched the tv in shocked as such as momentous occasion. The thing that caught me off guard was the reaction around the globe (not an exaggeration, because I have friends stationed in Italy and Korea). For the most part people seemed joyful because the first time since this war there was a slight hope for optimism that had evaporated more and more in the years since 9/11. However I noticed that a smaller group of people that I know asked a rather poignant question about how much we should really be celebrating the death of a man that was killed. Another thing that I guess you can say was alarming was how the operation took place and who was actually helping. When the news first broke it looked like we went in Pakistan with the help of their officials but as CNN and other news agencies started reporting later it seems like we pretty much got the intelligence and went and got the guy (sorry I find it pretty odd that this guy was holed up in a very affluent neighborhood in a house 8 times bigger than anything else around it, just miles from the capital of the country and with a military base just miles down the road. Seriously were they just ignoring the fact that the guy was there, cause it is starting to seem like that. So the part where we are now is what has changed? What is different about our world now? What does everyone think about what happened???