This morning I wondered this...
Do you think God gets mad at people who only seem to mention him at random times? Like when someone wins an award at a show? Or when someone is going through a hard time? Like I wonder if folks realize the big guy knows when you are being disingenuous? It's weird when you see someone like super spiritual when something happens, but like the other 99.8 percent of the time you would NEVER know they were...I guess it's just weird when I see celebrities (and even weirder with FB friends) giving God "shout outs" but ONLY when they need/want/after something happens but never on a consistent "just to say I love him" basis...
Truth be told I am not sure I believe my idea of God matches other people I know...I think he's non-exclusionary, loves everyone, and so much more than anyone or a single religion could EVER truly understand or comprehend (but that's just me, I am not super religious)
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